Thursday, July 05, 2007

What makes me switch to a different radio station

Here they are, the top things you don't want to hear on your radio:

  1. "You have had some horrible surgeries. Tell us about them." -- heard in a WBUR interview with polio survivors. I was not fast enough, and heard a bit about having all your foot bones broken before I switched the station.

  2. "This is our spring fund raiser." -- is there really a difference between a commercial based radio station like WCRB and a sponsorship-loaded fundraising-every-other-week NPR station?

  3. "My name is Laura Carlo, and I want to tell you about my wonderful new Bose radio." -- turns out there is a difference after all. How come a voice so sweet and full of high-fructose corn syrup just makes me want to puke? (WCRB)

  4. "And now, a symphony by William Boise" -- WCRB has approximately 12 classical CD's. This seems to be one of their favorites. I had never heard of this composer before WCRB, and its main talent seems to be having written 5-minutes symphonies, that fit right in between commercial breaks. Oh well, maybe he sounds much better on a Bose radio.

  5. Anything to do with Lake Wobegon. -- Prarie Home Companion's host Garrison Keillor is the male equivalent of Laura Carlo - hearing his voice creates an allergic reaction in my body. And regarding the so called "humor" of the program, I'm in one mind with Homer Simpsons on that: in one of the episodes Homer and family find themselves watching A Prairie Home Companion with increasing frustration. Homer is finally reduced to pounding the television and yelling "Be funny! Be funny!"

  6. "With us is Dr Montross, a psychiatrist in Brown University, who has released a poetry book about her love of cadavers." -- heard on WBUR On Point.

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