Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My First Blog

Some facts about blogs:
  • The term "blog" was coined as a shortcut for web-log just a few years ago.
  • There are 13M blogs today.
  • With the number of bloggers doubling every year more or less, it is expected that by 2050 there will be more blogs than atoms in the universe.
  • Nobody really reads 99.9% of these blogs

So why am I writing mine?

I never had a diary, and not really sure I have much to say. But I decided to give it a try and see what I come up with. Future entries will tell you more about myself, my life and my thoughts. For a start, I'm a 39yo Israeli guy in Cambridge MA, single, gay, 6' 156pds (on good days), with lots of interests, not enough friends, a curious mind, and plenty of time to spend online.

More details to follow!
